martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Some help for stress :)

These days, most people is stressed, because of many reasons, just like work, studies, family troubles, love troubles, etc. But I think the real reason and the center of this whole situation is that time isn’t enough to do all things we like and relax us, and we must use that time doing things that take our energy away.
A very efficient solution is to practice sports, it helps you to oxygenate your brain, and it makes you think better, and also it’s oxygenate all your body and it makes you feel good and with lot of energy, so you could develop your day’s activity in a better way and you probably will do them with a smile in your face. But the hard thing is that you must find and dedicate a space of your day to practice it. Life is no life if you don’t dedicate some time to yourself. Time ago I practiced swimming, and it helps me to have more energy, and not only that; I could organize my time and I had a very good performance at school.
Another solution to avoid stress is to practice Yoga, there you learn to breathe well and you oxygenate better so you will be full of energy. And it is not necessary to go to a famous place and to pay; you can practice it at home with your friends, family, boyfriend, etc, watching videos in youtube.
And finally another solution I think is very helpful is to listen music and to dance. Dance helps you to feel you in freedom, just like shout out loud. You will fell better and you life will take a little change. Don’t forget it: Life has wonderful things, you only must learn to enjoy them and the smile in your face will never go away.

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