viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Your experience learning English at university / a reflection

Hi! Finally we are at the end of the year and now is the time to meditate about the year, the classes, the moments, the people and everything. One of this think to meditate is English classes.

My English classes at school wasn’t really good, they have no a high level of difficulty. And they were not so complete. For example I have no interact classes where we talk with another partner or the teacher. We only made writings and they were a little bored.

The English I know is because I like to hear music in English, read the lyrics and then I learnt them. Also I like to watch movies in English and if it’s possible without subtitles. And other thing that helped me to learn English is that sometimes I talk with my brother in English just for fun. But now I cans say that it has been very helpful.

This semester at English classes I could talk a lot in this language and I could hear flowing conversations with my teacher and my partners. The thing I like the most of this class is that the items that we reviewed were all related with the issue of health. I learnt parts of the body, illness, remedies, questions that a doctor made to a patient, etc…

I liked very much this English classes because I think is very important that a health professional handless in this area because of any emergency, like for example, someone that is working at the hospital, and suddenly a person that is French arrives with a lesion, and he doesn’t know to talk Spanish, that professional must know to talk in English to make the person feel better and to ask him what happened and all things that he must know to help the French person.

But I must say English doesn’t finish here, this semester, it continues all life, because all the time is appearing new things that is important to know them.

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Friends :)

What are friends? Do you call friend to the real one? Do you act like a real friend for others?

If you look for a friend’s definition in the internet or in a dictionary maybe you will find something like: “friend is someone friendly, pleasant”, “someone with whom you share happy and entertainment moments”. But I really think that a friend is so much than that. For me a friend is someone that knows you, that put up with your anger, someone that back you up in bad and sad moments, someone that is not afraid to tell you the truth and to tell you what are you doing wrong and what mistakes have you committed, even though it hurts. Friend, for me, is someone that having the best party ever, to wich you were not invited, she or he prefers to stay with you watching a movie or just been with you. Is someone that doesn’t ever get bored with you, and always enjoy a little time together. Is someone that have seen you cry hundreds of times and never think you are a crying baby and always have the exactly word to tell you, that word that make you happy in just a few seconds.

Nowadays people call friend anyone, more above them who take them for the bad road. Sometimes, people choose their friends just because they accompany to all the parties in the world, and get drunk together, but in bad moments that persons always run away. Those are not friends.

Other times, we act like bad friends; we are so involved in our space and little hole, studying, working, etc, that we forget to worry about our real friends. Sometimes this happens but oneself must realize that is committing a horrible mistake.

Don’t’ ever let time, or another external cause take you far away from your friends. Friends and family are the better gift of the life. Take care of them.

Female soccer

Since ever, women have fought to obtain the same rights, opportunities and benefits like men. It hasn’t been easy, but women have an extraordinary potential to obtain whatever they want. Football has been one example of that.

Female soccer exists too many years ago, but it hadn’t been recognized.  There are records of this sport played by women in “Han dynasty” which played an ancient version of the game called “Tsu Chu”, the first female football match was developed  in Scotland, also a women rights’ defender,  Nettie Honeyball, founded the first sport club called  British Ladies Football Club, because she wanted to demonstrate that women could participate  and become emancipated just like men could. The fist world war also was a fact that influenced female soccer, because men must go to fight and women must take care of the factories, and many of them had their own football’s team. But recent after the Men World Cup of 1966 the F.A. decided to incorporate women soccer.

These days female soccer is a popular sport, played by too many women around the world. There are women’s league, female’s teams, female´s clubs and others, in all derivates of football: baby football, beach football, football of 7 (little football), etc.

The mass of the female football has allowed the development of the Female World Cup, been the first an extra-official tournament in Italy where the winner was Denmark. But it wasn’t until 1991, organized by Chine and won by EEUU, when the Female World Cup was recognized by the FIFA.

In Chile happens the same that in the whole world. I played football in my school and we participate in a lot of school’s tournament because people are taking advantage of this phenomenon.

Women have improved too much that there are women that are so much better than some men. Maybe one day, in a near future, all women will be better that men.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Some help for stress :)

These days, most people is stressed, because of many reasons, just like work, studies, family troubles, love troubles, etc. But I think the real reason and the center of this whole situation is that time isn’t enough to do all things we like and relax us, and we must use that time doing things that take our energy away.
A very efficient solution is to practice sports, it helps you to oxygenate your brain, and it makes you think better, and also it’s oxygenate all your body and it makes you feel good and with lot of energy, so you could develop your day’s activity in a better way and you probably will do them with a smile in your face. But the hard thing is that you must find and dedicate a space of your day to practice it. Life is no life if you don’t dedicate some time to yourself. Time ago I practiced swimming, and it helps me to have more energy, and not only that; I could organize my time and I had a very good performance at school.
Another solution to avoid stress is to practice Yoga, there you learn to breathe well and you oxygenate better so you will be full of energy. And it is not necessary to go to a famous place and to pay; you can practice it at home with your friends, family, boyfriend, etc, watching videos in youtube.
And finally another solution I think is very helpful is to listen music and to dance. Dance helps you to feel you in freedom, just like shout out loud. You will fell better and you life will take a little change. Don’t forget it: Life has wonderful things, you only must learn to enjoy them and the smile in your face will never go away.