miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

The Best Movie Ever

There are really great and extraordinary movies, but neither one compares with the rythm, the music and the vitality of Step Up. Of course, exist Setp Up 1 and Step Up 2. The first is about a young man that lives in the streets and he likes to dance Hip Hop.One night, he and his "bad friends" entered into an Modern Dance's Academy and broke things, he was discovered and he is punished: he must clean the Academy for a long time. There he meets this girl who dance there and he helps her in her dance presentation, giving her "the touch" of Hip Hop. Finally they fall in love. I like this movie because it mixs the rythm of Hip hop and the modern dance, it has incredible dance's steps. When you see this movie suddenly the music inspired you and you only want to dance, because the songs are really good, from distinguished singers, like Flo rida, Chris brown, etc. Also I like this movie because it has a love story and I am a very romantic girl. So I can recommend this movie to anyone because it will make you dance with your friends and family and you could spend your time with your boyfriend. Step Up 2 its like a continuation of Step Up 1 with others characters but in the same Dance's Academy, but this time the "bad person" is a girl, and she entered to the Academy for move away from criminality that exists in the streets. Now I am waitinf for Step Up 3.

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