I must say I was a very healthy person few years ago. I practiced swimming six days a week, I slept eight hours every day, I had all my foods, breakfast, lunch, I ate at 5 o clock and I had dinner in night. Also I spent time with my family and friends. But when I stopped practicing sport my lifestyle got worse. This year I entered to study at university and my lifestyle got even worse.
It is not easy to have a healthy lifestyle when you are studying at the university, because it requires time, disposition and some help; and time is exactly what you don't have. In morning you are always hurry because you don't want to loose the bus, later in lunch you eat fast to go to study, or maybe you have time but unfortunately that day you forgot your lunch at home, so you must buy some hot dog or something like that. In night, most of the times you stay studying until two, three or four o clock in the morning, and that is the moment when you begin to eat food with lot of sugar or you drink a lot of coffee for not getting slept. The time that you have left is so little that you only want to rest, to sleep, to be with your family and friends, and you don't have the desire of practicing some sport.
It's hard to have a healthy lifestyle but if you think the consequences you will understand that it's so important and it worth your time and preoccupation. That's why I can recommend you to visit a nutritionist because she could prepare you a diet, taking into account your studies, your time and a lot of factors. And also she can give you an exercise routine. If you do all this, you will have more energy, if you have more energy, you could study better and you will take advantage of your time, if you do that, you will sleep the hours you need to be ok, and every time you will have more time to spend with your family and friends.